The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Exfoliating Gloves


Nowadays, you get bombarded by many tips, hacks, products, and skin care content almost daily. Often, when you're just starting your skincare journey or just trying to level up your hygiene routine, it's easy to get lost in an inundation of information. But before you add that pricey or even dodgy product to your cart, know that you can always achieve healthy and radiant skin with just a centuries-old practice and using the best exfoliating gloves.

What is Exfoliation?

Exfoliation is a skincare practice that has been a huge part of the bathing and cleansing rituals of Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans! Woah, right? 

Just like what you see today, these ancient people also used pumice stones and sponges to exfoliate and rid the smell and gunk of a long day from their bodies. They even used a curved blade called a strigil to help remove sweat and oil! These tools used for exfoliating are still around and used many millennia later, albeit evolved into modern-looking ones. 

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, exfoliation involves the removal of dead skin cells from the skin's outer layer. Though it improves the skin's appearance, it's not recommended for everybody. Also, it can be harmful if not done properly.

There are two commonly used exfoliation methods, depending on your skin type. Mechanical exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells using a tool like a glove, sponge, or brush. On the other hand, chemical exfoliation uses chemicals like alpha and beta hydroxy acids to help dissolve them. 

What is an Exfoliating Glove?

Exfoliating tools could easily slip off your hands, so something that is maneuverable is much better. This is where an exfoliating glove comes in. It's the ultimate tool to make your exfoliation routine much more convenient. 

Compared to other materials you can use to exfoliate, such as loofahs and body sponges, gloves are much easier to maneuver and operate. Using them makes it easier for you to exfoliate those hard-to-reach areas. Moreover, you don't have to worry about dropping it while in the shower. Think of it as just your hand, but greatly capable of removing all the dirt and sweat so easily! 

In a continually innovative market, exfoliating gloves are available in different designs and made of various materials. Many brands have been popping up to market their best and most sustainable designs- either online or in actual shops. Today, you can easily choose what would be suitable for your needs as well as for your skin and wallet. 

The best exfoliating gloves in the market are proudly well-made and ethically sourced. They are more eco-friendly compared to disposable products. With proper care, your gloves can be reused several times, so you reduce waste while saving money in the long run. 

They are also proven to be good and gentle on the skin, as exfoliation can be quite a rigid experience for your skin. That is why it is usually recommended to do it sparingly or less.

Tips on Finding the Best Exfoliating Gloves

If you want to exfoliate as part of your skincare routine, you must know how to do it safely and prevent damaging your skin. You must also know what kind of gloves to invest in. Here are some tips to guide you on your quest to find your best exfoliating gloves:

1. Know your skin type

Knowing your skin type is key to finding all the right skincare products. Before choosing an exfoliation product, check out which skin type you belong to:

  • Sensitive skin – You feel a burning or stinging sensation after using a product
  • Normal skin – Clear without signs of sensitive skin
  • Dry skin – Feels rough, itchy, and flaky
  • Oily skin – Has a shiny and greasy surface
  • Combination skin – Dry and oily

2. Consider the skin care products you're already using

Are you using medications for your skin, like prescription retinoid creams and those containing benzoyl peroxide or retinol? If yes, think twice before exfoliating because it can lead to acne breakouts and worsen skin dryness.

3. Your exfoliation method must suit your skin type

Once you've identified your skin type, deciding on the best exfoliation method will be easier. You can use this bundle for that gentle yet deep exfoliation if you have sensitive skin. Those with thicker skin may require chemical treatments, or you can use this to eliminate dead skin cells. 

However, if you have a darker skin tone or dark spots after suffering from bug bites, burns, or acne, you must avoid strong chemical or mechanical exfoliation, which can cause dark spots to appear on your skin.

Regardless of skin type, it would be best to never exfoliate skin areas with cuts, wounds, or sunburn.

4. Look for gloves that allow you to exfoliate gently

Use gentle exfoliating gloves on your skin, like this bundle which comes with two soft gloves for normal and sensitive skin types. You don't need to use them with some expensive bath products because hot water is already enough. 

Take a warm shower for approximately five minutes, then wet your glove and wring it out. Turn off the shower, and with moist skin, rub the glove using long and firm strokes up and down your body. Rinse your body only after reaching your desired exfoliation level. Dry yourself and apply oil or moisturizer. Do this once a week.

Also, remember to adjust pressure as needed when using an exfoliating glove. The secret is finding the right balance between the pressure you exert as you exfoliate and ensuring your skin remains comfortable.

5. Don't be afraid to experiment

Sometimes, it takes a while before you can find the best exfoliating gloves for you. Product reviews and recommendations from friends may confuse you sometimes, but there's no better way to go about it than trying these products yourself. Feel free to try them out to experience their effects on your body. 

6. Do your research

As mentioned, tons of exfoliating gloves are out there, claiming to be the best in the market. You need to read more about these products, including their features, materials, and benefits. Look into their manufacturers to check if they're legit and have good reviews.

7. Ask friends for recommendations

Do you have friends who have the same skin type as you? If they're into exfoliating, you can ask them to recommend some of the products they're using. This saves you time because you no longer have to search the web for gloves that suit your skin type. 

The Best Exfoliating Gloves of 2023

1Wildpier Beauty Deep Exfoliating Glove and Konjac Sponge Bundle

This must-try bundle brings the best of both worlds to your exfoliation journey! Made from a plant native to Asia and hailed for its medicinal properties for a long time, the Konjac sponge will bring an eco-friendly and sustainable product to your skincare arsenal and give you the gentle care of natural plant fibres. 

This sponge by Wildpier is safe and effective for sensitive skin- especially for eczema and psoriasis! Since its manufacture by Japanese farmers centuries ago, the benefit and power of konjac sponges in cleaning have been tested and proven for a long time. 

Moreover, the Wildpier Deep Exfoliating Glove also provides a non-harsh exfoliating experience for the skin. Exfoliating is a rigid process; if done roughly, it could potentially damage your skin. 

However, with this product, you can be assured that it's safe for daily use as it's also made of natural vegetable fibres. These can also help improve circulation, essential for healthy skin, as it means good delivery and pickup of nutrients and waste materials from the skin. Wildpier Deep Exfoliating gloves can also promote collagen production, important in maintaining your skin's suppleness.

2. Face Halo Body Exfoliating Washcloth Mitt

This one is made of the softest fibres, which are light to the skin, reducing any risk of irritation. The satin edge also adds a hint of elegance and luxury that could make your shower or bathing experience more enjoyable. Moreover, it's cost-effective and serves many purposes. 

With this one, you don't have to spend extra on disposable makeup removers as it can also effectively remove your makeup and fake tan. Face Halo is a recognized and award-winning brand of reusable, sustainable, and non-toxic makeup removers. 

Another reason is that this product can be used wet and dry on your skin and body whenever you're exfoliating or want a gentle massage. Also, it's durable, as it can endure plenty of wear and tear in the wash. 

3. Seraphic Skincare Korean Exfoliating Mitts

These mitts promise to give you an angelic glow. With its natural viscose fibres, Seraphic Mitts can conveniently remove all the gunk without exerting too much pressure on your skin. It also helps lessen irritation and the immaculately annoying in-grown hairs. This product promises an enjoyable Korean-like spa experience. 

4. Fur Exfoliating and Clarifying Mitt Trio 

If you want a more maneuverable exfoliating mitt to reach the deepest crevices, this trio is for you. Finger mitts can clean effectively and gently, especially between the toes and back of the ears. It's also dual-sided, which can be used for exfoliating and polishing. Fur's exfoliating trio is also cruelty-free, vegan, and wrapped in sustainable packaging to reduce environmental pollution.

5. The Honest Company Exfoliating Cotton + Linen Bath Mitt

This exfoliating cotton is perfect for sensitive skin. It's made from 60% cotton and 40% linen. The natural fibres will deliver an amazing and soothing experience when exfoliating and cleansing. It's also washable and can be used numerous times. Honest is Jessica Alba's clean and sustainable brand, and it guarantees to be toxicologist-audited, cruelty-free, and sustainable.

6. St. Tropez Tan Build-Up Remover Mitt

Suppose you get frequent tans by spray or tanning bed; this product effectively removes all the impurities and chemical build-up on your skin resulting from the fake tans. Now, you don't have to think about all the damage the tanning process can do to your skin, for this product will take care of your skin in the best way possible. It also prepares your skin for the next tan session! 

7. No1 Illume Silk Exfoliating Body Glove

Bring elegance into your exfoliating ritual with this body glove from Illume. It is made from natural silk viscose and can thoroughly remove all the dirt and gunk in your skin without the roughness that other products may bring. It can help combat keratosis pilaris, a common condition that causes rough bumps on the skin. Illume's silk glove also helps improve the appearance of body scars. This is perfect if you're looking to achieve a healthy glow and a flawless complexion! 

8. Clean Logic's Bath and Body Exfoliating Gloves

These gloves effectively remove sweat, dead skin cells, and other unwanted stuff on your skin while leaving it soft and supple. Exfoliation is such an abrasive process that it is only sometimes recommended for daily use. However, this one from Clean Logic is safe for all skin types and can be used daily. This dirt-resistant product is also made with clean-fibre technology, which makes it great for cleaning accumulated dirt. The brand also uses the Braille system to cater to visually impaired users.

9. Bamboo Switch's Sisal Exfoliating Gloves

Do you want to make sure your skincare products are sustainable? With Bamboo Switch's exfoliating gloves, you no longer have to worry about contributing to microplastic pollution. You can effectively remove all the dirt and acne-causing gunk from your skin with plant-based, toxin-free, and natural fibre gloves. Sisal comes from a plant in Mexico, and with its strength, it is even used in construction materials and textiles. The gloves are compostable, too.

10. Earth Therapeutics Purifying Exfoliating Gloves- Charcoal

Charcoal is known for its purifying and cleansing effect. It is usually the most common material for deep cleansing in various products like soap, facial foams, and bath sponges. Earth Therapeutics presents you with a product that can double the cleansing effect without you having to exert too much pressure on your skin. The charcoal is infused permanently in the fibres and stays there even with prolonged use.

These best exfoliating gloves will only work if you use them properly. Always remember to follow the instructions that come with your chosen product. Exfoliating has many benefits, but overdoing it isn't the key to achieving that healthy skin.